Friday, April 1, 2011

-Making Fun Of Wannabe Scene Kids-

okay so i don't really have a problem with 'Scene' Kids,
I think the wannabes are funny though.
There's a few of them at my school,
They make me laugh like no other.
Also, they kinda gross me out.
How long does it take for them to get ready in the morning?
I mean like,
1. They shower and blow dry their hair
2. They straighten their hair
3. They tease it
4. They do their makeup so it looks perfect
5. They find out what they wear
5. They check themselves to make sure they look good
I shower at night, but most of them can't handle that.
Haha oh,
They looove,
to make fun of other people.
These wannabe's look like clowns.
They are terrible copycats.
They do everything wrong.
Here's me if i were a 'Scene' Kid.
:D enjoy!

Monday, February 28, 2011

~I Think I'm a Lot Happier Now~

Even though you tried to get back into my life,
I denied you.
I finally put my foot up and said enough.
You controlled my life for too long.
You hurt me and used me,
But now all I can do is smile :D
I can't even think about you wanting me again without smiling,
It was always me who couldn't live without you.
Now you finally asked for me back.
I don't want you back in my life.
I feel so much better now.
I can actually have so much fun!
Text me again please,
Ask for me back ♥
It's funny to me.
I think it's cool.
I know I made in impact now,
I left something in you,
You must hate me now, huh?
Haha, oh well.
Not much I can do about it.
I don't care much, though.
I really don't care .
Nothing about you matters to me.
I am free.
I really love this.
I shouldn't love it so much,
But I do.
I can finally have the fun you took from me.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


In case anyone happened to care,
The past few years of my life were lies.
I was lied to.
Screwed over.
Stabbed in the back.
And yet,
I feel nothing at all.
I don't feel hurt,
I don't feel sad.
Instead I feel relieved.
I feel like I had been Atlas all those years.
And now,
Since you left,
I have been relieved,
I no longer have to bear the pain,
Of holding the world on my shoulders.
I feel like i can be happy.
I can smile for real.
I don't have to cry anymore.
I wish I never had to go through any of that.
I'm glad it meant nothing.
I was just a thing to use when you were bored.
But it no longer effects me.
I am so much happier now.
I can be who I used to be.
Improved a bit by youth.
I have become a true teenager.
I can live how I want to.
I don't have a bad influence staring down at me.
I can feel free,
I am no longer tied down.
All those years I felt as though there was no escape.
I felt I had nowhere to run to.
I couldn't tell anyone,
They would call me crazy.
But now,
I can go on as if you were never here.
So basically,
While you were here,
You ruined me.
You made your life a game of chess,
And I was simply a pawn.
Used as a small defense,
Something easily replaceable,
I didn't make it to the other side,
I couldn't become a higher piece.
I always stayed a pawn.
Until you decided to put me into play,
And let me fall onto the sidelines.
Where I was no longer useful.
Throw me away like a piece of complete garbage.
Am I still useless I wonder?
Guess I'll never know.
Guess what?
I don't even care.