Monday, February 28, 2011

~I Think I'm a Lot Happier Now~

Even though you tried to get back into my life,
I denied you.
I finally put my foot up and said enough.
You controlled my life for too long.
You hurt me and used me,
But now all I can do is smile :D
I can't even think about you wanting me again without smiling,
It was always me who couldn't live without you.
Now you finally asked for me back.
I don't want you back in my life.
I feel so much better now.
I can actually have so much fun!
Text me again please,
Ask for me back ♥
It's funny to me.
I think it's cool.
I know I made in impact now,
I left something in you,
You must hate me now, huh?
Haha, oh well.
Not much I can do about it.
I don't care much, though.
I really don't care .
Nothing about you matters to me.
I am free.
I really love this.
I shouldn't love it so much,
But I do.
I can finally have the fun you took from me.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


In case anyone happened to care,
The past few years of my life were lies.
I was lied to.
Screwed over.
Stabbed in the back.
And yet,
I feel nothing at all.
I don't feel hurt,
I don't feel sad.
Instead I feel relieved.
I feel like I had been Atlas all those years.
And now,
Since you left,
I have been relieved,
I no longer have to bear the pain,
Of holding the world on my shoulders.
I feel like i can be happy.
I can smile for real.
I don't have to cry anymore.
I wish I never had to go through any of that.
I'm glad it meant nothing.
I was just a thing to use when you were bored.
But it no longer effects me.
I am so much happier now.
I can be who I used to be.
Improved a bit by youth.
I have become a true teenager.
I can live how I want to.
I don't have a bad influence staring down at me.
I can feel free,
I am no longer tied down.
All those years I felt as though there was no escape.
I felt I had nowhere to run to.
I couldn't tell anyone,
They would call me crazy.
But now,
I can go on as if you were never here.
So basically,
While you were here,
You ruined me.
You made your life a game of chess,
And I was simply a pawn.
Used as a small defense,
Something easily replaceable,
I didn't make it to the other side,
I couldn't become a higher piece.
I always stayed a pawn.
Until you decided to put me into play,
And let me fall onto the sidelines.
Where I was no longer useful.
Throw me away like a piece of complete garbage.
Am I still useless I wonder?
Guess I'll never know.
Guess what?
I don't even care.